Based on the theory of cavitating flows, the definition of supercavitation, the main idea of reducing drag by ventilated cavitation and the principle of supercavitation torpedo are introduced. 文章从空泡流理论出发,介绍了超空泡的定义、超空泡减阻的基本思想和超空泡鱼雷的工作原理,并分析了超空泡技术研究中的关键问题和未来发展趋势。
Reducing quantity and improving quality is a basic principle upon which the army is to be modernized. 减少数量,提高质量,是军队现代化建设的一条基本方针。
The possibility about reducing openend spinning processes is studied by analyzing the parallel straightness of sliver feeded to the openend spinning machine and the principle of openend spinning. 通过对喂入转杯纺熟条的平行伸直度分析,结合转杯纺的纺纱机理,探讨缩短转杯纺工艺路线在生产实践中的可行性。
In consideration of reducing of power in primary circuit, this paper use transmission with single optical fiber to fulfill data sending and receiving, so its principle is outlines firstly. 对应一次电路不同的数据发送方案,二次侧电路有不同的数据接收方法。结合一次侧电路低功耗设计的考虑,采用单光纤传输解调方案。
The automatic saving energy device for asynchronous motor was designed according to load change of energy saving for reducing voltage and automatic tracking, and the principle of improved power factor. 异步电机自动跟踪节电器根据降压节电能自动跟踪负载变化,提高功率因数原理研制。
Methods for Reducing the Space Complexity of the Genera Resolution Principle 降低广义归结原理空间复杂度方法的研究
The Dimension Reducing Principle and Application of the Discrete Lurie Control System 离散型Луръе控制系统的降维原理和应用
From the reducing the stress amplitude, and using the energy method, writer analyzed the principle of the anti-strike ability of the bolt. 并从降低螺栓应力幅方面说明该方法能提高螺栓连接强度,运用能量的方法分析其提高螺栓连接抗冲击的原理。
Introduced the steel pipe friction reducing internal coating manufacturing process and main equipment, present the typical process layout of internal pipe coating production line, also introduce the form and the working principle of the main equipment. 介绍了钢管减阻型内涂层技术的生产工艺和主要设备,给出了内涂层生产线典型的工艺布置,并对主要设备的组成及工作原理进行了介绍。
Chaos arithmetic is used for reducing noise in leaking system, and a new kind of narrow band ultrasonic testing principle is introduced. 提出了利用混沌算法抑制噪声,采用新型窄频带超声检漏原理来进行泄漏检测的新方法。
It is very difficult to use PWM technique for reducing the harmonic contents of the output currents in a three-phase direct-type multi-level current-source inverter ( CSI). A new type of three-phase five-level CSI is proposed, the operation principle of one phase of the CSI is analyzed. 在一个三相直接式多电平电流型逆变器(CSI)中利用PWM技术来消除输出电流谐波是非常困难的,为此提出了一种新的三相直接式五电平拓扑,并分析了其工作原理。
Study on reducing pesticides residual in Laoshan green tea according to HACCP principle 实施HACCP原理降低崂山绿茶农药残留量的研究
Conclusion Reducing the priming interval to 1 minute would not eliminate the effect of rocuronium priming on the followed Vecuronium. It is feasible to shorten the priming interval to 1 minute in: the priming principle using Rocuronium and Vecuronium successionally. 结论缩短预注间隔至1min,并不减小罗库溴铵对其后维库溴铵的预注效应,在顺序使用罗库溴铵和维库溴铵的预注方法中,缩短预注间隔至1min是可行的。
Third, as for the reducing amount, determine principle of changing pattern of state-owned share as the solely big shareholder and reducing state's stake to below control force or reduce by the gross at one go; 三是在减持数额上,确立改变国有股‘一股独大’格局的原则,一次性将国有股减持至控制力之下或全数减持;
And the positive extrusion forming and the reducing diameter extrusion forming are studied by numerical value simulation. This paper introduces the basic principle of rigid-viscoplastic finite element method, and mainly discusses the key techniques of Deform-3D software in simulation. 文中介绍了刚塑性有限元法基本原理,并针对有限元分析软件DEFORM-3D在直齿轮冷挤压模拟中的关键技术处理问题进行了重点讨论。
In this paper, the invariable dimension reducing principle of the discrete Lurie control system is studied. 本文研究了离散控制系统绝对稳定性的不变性降维原理。
A Novel Algorithm for Reducing Spectrum Leakage Based on Equal Angle-Interval Sampling Principle 减少频谱泄漏的一种新的等角度间隔采样递推算法
In order to solve the problem of reducing spectrum leakage, a new algorithm based on equal angle-interval sampling principle is proposed according to the cyclic shift character of base phasor. 就减少频谱泄漏问题,根据基相量循环移位性质提出了一种新的等角度间隔采样算法,并证明了该算法的递推特性。
For improving the management level of the logistics and reducing the logistics cost, it is significant to analyze the characteristic and precondition of cost management of the logistics, establish the principle of logistics cost manage and quality requirement. 分析物流成本管理的特点和前提条件,确立物流成本管理原则和质量要求,对于提高物流管理水平,降低物流成本具有重要意义。
Aiming at reducing ship movements and averaging the line tension distribution, this paper presents the principle and methods for determination of mooring dolphins 'layout of Butterfly Open Sea Terminal. 以减少环境荷载作用下船舶运动量以及均匀缆绳张力分布为优化目标,提出了开敞式蝶形码头泊位长度和墩位平面布置确定的原则和方法。
Law Reflections on the State-owned Stock Reducing to Hold and Circulate-follow the principle of equilibrium and harmony 国有股减持全流通的法律思考&以平衡协调为原则
The paper described the vibration reducing of track structure on bridge and principle of track pads firstly. And then a vibration model of track structure on bridge is established under the function of moving load by using ANSYS, inputting irregularities of track in forms of external excitation. 首先介绍了桥上轨道结构的减振及隔振垫层原理,然后利用ansys建立在移动荷载作用下桥上轨道结构振动模型,并以外部激励的形式输入轨道不平顺。
In the light of analysis of temperature reducing principle and the problems of gas cooling in the old dry dedusting system, a transformation plan of gas indirect cooling was proposed. 通过对原干式除尘系统中煤气冷却部分除温原理、存在问题的分析,提出煤气间接冷却的改造方案,并对改造后的技术水平、运行效果、取得的效益等作了介绍。
For the advantage of P2P protocol in reducing the load of server, this paper utilizes the P2P principle to design the management system of patch distribution. Finally a Linux patch distribution system is implemented. 鉴于P2P协议在减轻服务器负载方面的优势,本文在前面方案的基础上将P2P原理应用到补丁管理系统的分发部分设计中,最后实现了一个Linux补丁分发系统。
American are still in lead position in basketball field in the world. But the distance is reducing comparing other strong basketball country.3.The objective of athletic basketball are made directed by subduing principle, the reality, it suit the real objective. 美国仍然处在世界篮球的领跑地位,但与其它世界篮球强国相比,差距在逐渐缩小。3.竞技篮球目标的制定,必须以制胜原理为指导,从实际出发,实事求是,制定出切合实际的目标。
Strengthening audit quality management from risk factors, not only satisfy the demands of reducing risk, but also express the principle of cost-benefit, this will become powerful measures to resolve the questions of audit resource and lower reliance in our country. 从风险因素入手来加强审计质量管理,既满足了降低风险的要求,也体现了成本&效益原则,这也是解决目前我国审计资源不足,社会公信度较低的有力措施。
Allocating resources through investment and trade under the guidance of the invisible hand, reducing the impact of adverse factors on cross-strait trade and promoting cross-strait economic and trade development is to formulate the principle of cross-strait economic and trade policies. 让资源通过投资与贸易在看不见的手的指引下进行配置,减少各种不利因素对两岸经贸的影响,促进两岸的经贸发展是制定两岸经贸政策的原则。
Foreign contractors into the construction market, if the owner is not equal to the principal trading market, still blindly reducing prices, Time pressure and demands of advanced projects, foreign contractors will cite "non-discrimination principle," which caused trade disputes. 国外承包商进入我国建筑市场,如果业主不以平等市场主体进行交易,仍然盲目压价、压工期和要求垫支工程款,就会被外国承包商援引非歧视原则而引起贸易纠纷。
The legitimate basis of reducing a penalty is that reduce the original penalty according to the direct principle of penalty necessarily to the purpose of general prevention or special prevention that the executed punishment has realized. 减刑的正当性依据,就是已经执行的刑罚已基本实现一般预防和特殊预防的目的,从而有必要根据刑罚的直接性原则对原判刑罚进行总量减少。
With the energy demand of the growing tension, saving energy and reducing consumption have become one of longtime strategic principle on the developing the economy of our country. 随着能源需求的同趋紧张,节能降耗成为了国家发展经济中的一项长期战略方针。